My first telescope was a SYW Mayflower 814 that I recieved in 1976 and in about 2005 I found another incomplete one at a swap meet.
It came as a OTA with visual back, a mount with controls and tripod legs.
The finder was broken off it's stalk and missing, one slow-mo clamp was missing, no tray, no accessories, and no box.
It's spent most of it's time in the original scope's box just being a place holder or a source for parts if they become needed.
The scope behind the box is my first 814 and the swap meet find is in it's box.
On the back burner I looked for parts to complete it and scored a few with extra EPs from other purchases.
Thanks to Sean (norvegicus) I recieved a replacement finder and stalk, but figured a box would never come up.
I thought about the possibility of buying a cheap scope of a different brand just for a box, but never found the right one.
Recently DouglasPaul generously offered one from the parts of a HOC version he was giving away.
(I was always interested in the boxes with wood insert as I thought about making some for my foam insert Manon)
The box as it arrived
I'd say it's in better than average shape especially considering it's age.
Cleaned and vacumed plus a couple of extras.
Edited by Kasmos, 24 July 2023 - 02:18 PM.