What binos do you hand-hold on a regular basis?
Here are the three "permanent" members of my Team Hand-held:
6.5x32 Moon-Star (9.3 degs, 720g) *** WOW!!! "Focus-free" 6.5x done right.
10x32 Nikon EDG (6.5 degs, 650g) *** WOW!!! WOW!!! Stunning sharpness, contrast and stray light
20x60 Zeiss S (3.0 degs, 1.6kg) *** WOW!!! Stabilized 20x!
And here are the two honorary members that can be used hand-held in a pinch but otherwise ride on a portable mini-pier mount:
15x56 Swarovski SLC (4.5 degs, 1.2kg) *** WOW!!! Stunning sharpness and contrast.
15x56 Maven B.5 (4.5 degs, 1.25kg) *** WOW!!! Stunning sharpness and contrast.
Edited by MT4, 04 September 2023 - 06:43 PM.