In an attempt to model the thermal behaviour of my scope with the purpose of temperature compensation - focusing, I started recording the tube temperature and ambient temperature.
I have a Optec Leo focuser with an external temperature probe, attached to the tube and covered with an insulator pad provided by Optec.
The ambient weather data was gathered with a Lunatico weather station.
I collected temperature readings every minute during a night of imaging, approx. 940 data points. The night was pretty good with no clouds and low wind.
I expected the telescope to equilibrate with the ambient but this wasn't the case.
To my surprise the scope started cooling and went below the ambient temperature with a maximum gradient of 4.3 degrees Celsius.
After an inquiry on physics-StackExchange forum, it seems that metals like aluminium equilibrate with the upper sky temperature, or in case of no atmosphere, they radiate to the cosmos. Also, even though aluminium has a low emissivity coefficient, if it is painted, this could drastically change the thermal behaviour, by increasing the emissivity coefficient.
To verify this, we can compute the heat transfer using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation in 2 situations. The first one assumes equilibrium with the ambient, the second one assumes equilibrium with the sky/cosmos. The absoulute value is not very important for this testing, what matters is the sign of the result. If the sign is negative the scope looses heat, and vice-versa.
Luckly the Lunatico weather station, also measures the sky temperature, so it was a simple matter of computing the Stefan-Boltzmann equation at each data point. The result had a negative sign throughout the night, indicating the scope was continuously loosing heat, until I closed the observatory roof. Only then the scope started to warm up.
Below is the main graph and the table data.
Edited by ngc2218, 12 October 2023 - 11:27 AM.