I've very recently discovered to my surprise that I thoroughly enjoy observing double stars with binoculars, and hand-held in particular. I'm currently using my 8x40 action extremes, which are great but are also a bit limited in terms of minimum separation (of course...) and limited magnitude. I'm curious what people's favorite hand-held binoculars (magnification, aperture, MFR/model, all of the above, whatever...) for viewing double stars.
I know this is highly subjective, and that's the point. I'm curious what people's subjective opinions are. I also know that what can be "hand-held" is subjective. If you can somehow hand-hold your 25x100 and observe doubles then good for you tell me about it!
I suspect, and this is from so little experience, that 15x50 IS would be pretty ideal. Unfortunately it'll probably be some time before those fit within my budget personally
Edited by JoeFaz, 06 November 2023 - 12:12 PM.