This is the first real image taken with my Askar ACL200 lens at f/4 from my backyard (Bortle 8.5) using my ASI2600MC Pro set to -10c. Three hundred and seven, 30 second Light subs including Darks, BIAS and Flats. No light pollution filters were used. I originally took 400 subs but had to toss 97 due to clouds.
This is my second ACL200 lens. The first had noticeable astigmatism on one side and I returned it. I also used the Askar EAF backet so I could auto-focus the lens. I had major issues with this bracket and had to work around the problem using NINA 3.0. When the EAF motor does focusing steps the torque was enough to pull the lens left or right. I couldn't fix this problem. I had to disable auto-guiding and put in a 4 second pause after each focusing run using NINA. The DEC spikes were around 50" peak-to-peak. RA was around 25. My CN post on this problem is below.
Compressed JPEG. I may add more subs later. C&C welcome.
Andromeda Galaxy - Backyard by Jim Waters, on Flickr