In the last couple of new moons, I collected some exposures on M46 and M47. This is the result:
Some hint of Galactic cirrus reflection (aka IFN) can be seen, but the image isn't really deep enough for me to aggressively pull them out. The second shell of the PN NGC2438 is also marginally visible. The target is kind of low from my location and also low on my priority list. So I probably won't have a chance to get an image that's really deep enough for these faint stuffs. But anyway, for the clusters, I think the depth is quite adequate.
The image contains 68 5-minute exposures from a TAK TOA150, TOA 645 flattener, and Pentax 645z. For integration in PI, I tried the regular integration with debayerization, 1x Bayer drizzle integration, and 2x Bayer drizzle integration. The results look very similar, nearly indistinguishable. Given that the drizzle integration takes significantly longer time, I would say it's not quite worthwhile to run drizzle at all, for this set of exposures.
Note: The above conclusion only applies to this set of images. The stellar FWHM is about 2.5 pixels, so they are not undersampled. This naturally leads to the result that drizzle doesn't help much. Here I am definitely not making a general comment. If the images are under-sampled, the conclusion should be different.
Then I tried running BXT, and things become very different. The combination of 2x Bayer drizzle and BXT dramatically improves the effective resolution. Many close visual binaries that are unresolved in the non-BXT images and the BXT results of non-drizzle and 1x drizzle images become clearly resolved in the BXT + 2x drizzle combination. Here is the comparisons I made:
even higher resolution version
In case you are curious, the BXT parameters are all identical for three cases. The star sharpen parameters are all 0.25 and the star halo parameters are all -0.25. I suppose these are not very aggressive. However, since one of the three has a different pixel scale, I cannot tell whether identical parameters imply identical strength of deconvolution. (Furthermore, what's the definition of "identical strengths" when the image scales are different?) There is no guarantee that the comparison is fair, but I think this is beyond the scope of discussion here.
To guide you, I circled a few close visual binaries or pairs of binaries that can best showcase the effects of BXT + 2x drizzle. The yellow and green circles contain pairs of binary stars of comparable brightness. The red, purple, and cyan circles contain binaries with large brightness contrasts.
You can see that in the non-BXT images, they all look more or less similar, drizzle or not. Some of them become resolved once BXT is applied to the non-drizzle and 1x drizzle versions, but not all of them are resolved. They all become clearly resolved only in the BXT + 2x drizzle image. In the non-BXT versions, many of them just show hint of elongation. You probably wouldn't even guess they are binaries or there is a faint companion next to a moderately bright star in some of the cases here. And yet BXT clearly resolved them when combined with 2x drizzle.
Now, the question is are they real? Are they really close binaries? Or BXT just created companion stars that do not really exist? This is not easy to answer, as there do not exist high resolution modern images of this area in the public domain. This area is in the south, near the Galactic plane. So extragalactic surveys like the Sloan and DES do not cover this area. The DSS covered this area, but the resolution and the point-source limiting magnitude of photographic plate are just too far behind today's digital sensor. So I can't use DSS to verify these faint binaries either. This area is right in the middle between M46 and M47. So it is covered by many wide-field amateur images, but their resolution is typically not good enough to match the resolution of BXT + 2x drizzle here. There are higher resolution amateur images of M46 and M47 individually, but they do not cover the mid point between the two clusters. The difficult of finding an adequate public image here probably also means that BXT does not know the ground truth during its training, although this is not guaranteed and only Russ knows.
Because I couldn't find a public image to verify the binaries, I ended up with asking for 10 minutes on a 1-m telescope in Taiwan to image this area to serve as the ground truth. Here is the 1-m telescope image:
This is a 5-min exposure with R filter. This is raw data. No calibration and no processing were applied. You can see that BXT is right in all the cases. It doesn't create something that does not exist in the 1-m telescope image.
The conclusion is that even if drizzle itself does not help to increase resolution (because of the pixel sampling rate), it can help once BXT comes into the equation. And at least within the scope of this test, BXT nicely recovers details that just barely showed up in the original images, and it does not create something that does not exist.
I think this gives me a much higher confidence about BXT. This also urges me to get a new computer, to drizzle the images where I used to think drizzle is useless.
Edited by whwang, 21 January 2024 - 03:42 AM.