I liked the idea of the Solar Eclipse Maestro Script Collaboration thread, so I thought I'd start a Digicamcontrol one. I posted this in another thread unrelated to Digicamcontrol, so I thought I'd post here for better visibility.
Because of issues between my equipment and the various softwares available, my plan... as of today, is to use Digicamcontrol ( https://digicamcontrol.com ). Digicamcontrol supports Canon, Nikon and Sony. It has live view, can take pics from live view, and is scriptable including triggers based upon the current time.
A guy named "jerryd" posted a very nicely done 2017 eclipse script here: https://digicamcontr...opic.php?t=1823
I cleaned it up, because the formatting was lost in the post, and have run it multiple times without issues.
I think I'll run live view, manually take a pic every 10 minutes during partial, check focus along the way, and a few minutes before totality launch the script for corona brackets. You do have to close live view windows before running the script, but that's just one click.
I've attached a copy of the script. To use it one has to put in their specific times, it still has the 2017 times.