Thanks. The key for me is that Vaonis patents are spoken about online as a barrier to other scope companies implementing any kind of "mosaic" feature and I see nothing in these patents that would indicate this
I found US patents D853462 & D940221 fairly easily. These patents refer to an "Astrograph" so probably incorporate the combination of software and hardware: the patent holders are Benjamin Sabourin & Nicolas Marquis (co-founders of Ova Design - industrial Design consultancy) & Cyril Dupuy (founder of Vaonis). Both patents are assigned to Vaonis.
I can't find any patents for Covalens itself, but that's not a surprise as algorithms and software in general is much harder to patent than to describe a hybrid system like the Vespera in which the software is embedded and described by function. There's nothing to stop another manufacturer developing their own "mosaic mode" - lots of digital cameras and phones have them (panoramas) but if the whole system looks and works too much like a Vaonis scope, they could be infringing the patent (and there will be copyright in the code)