Forgive my ignorance but is there substantial tension between imagers and observers? From what I've heard if someone is causing a nuisance with light, someone in the vicinity will definitely have a word with them. The increasing popularity of imaging is just a sign of the times. As imaging becomes more automated, imagers now have enough time on their hands to turn back to enjoying visual. At the star party what I saw was plenty of people having a good time.
There is not *substantial* tension - and there should be none at all. << I do both at Cherry Springs at times - but I try to limit my imaging efforts to non-star party mid-week nights where there are maybe a dozen people, and we can spread out >>
In the minor annoyance category - all red LEDs associated with 'automated' astro gear in general. A few years ago at BFSP a well-known social-media astro guru and his acolytes had at least 6 imaging rigs set up just South of me and my little C-9.25 I was using visually. In fairness - they were following all the rules - no bright head lights, open screens, or bright windows in their RV's -- but still, my wide-field Milky Way shots show a 'sea' of red LEDs and several friends noted the 'display'. I wish astro gear makers would use dimmer LEDs on mounts, cameras, etc - or even add an ability to turn them off. Still mostly a minor issue.
There were days when groups of imagers would surround "their area" with LED ropes or LEDs on little poles - implying "stay out". I walked thru anyway.....
My single worst experience - someone had left a laptop on the ground - controlling an imaging rig - screen blanked out but uncovered. A little light, but not a real problem - until Widows crashed and - I had a bright blue screen of death pointed right at me from 20 yards away. The owner didn't show up to fix it for at least an hour or two.
By far my worst experiences at Cherry Springs are from people flashing their vehicle lights - or even worse, the crazy folks who try to drive off the field in the middle of the night - headlights on. Last year a guy crashed his truck into a pole trying to drive out the pedestrian path next to the closed gate - resulting in the police showing up - then a tow truck - all with whites and flashies on. Sorry but - the State Police said they had to do it.
I've been there with major med emergencies requiring white lights - I fully understand that and have no problem - it comes with being around 'people' - and it could be *me* with a broken neck or heart attack at some point.
Edited by George N, 29 June 2024 - 01:07 PM.