Registration for the 41st Okie-Tex Star Party is officially open!
For those who might not know me yet, my name is Danny MacDonald, and I'm stepping in as the new chairperson for Mike & Larry this year. If you've ever been to a talk at an Okie-Tex, you've seen me frantically running around trying to get everything to work. For some reason, they put me in charge of the whole thing. Just because I'm new to this role though doesn't mean Okie-Tex is any different. Everyone that used to do all the work is still around and attending, it mostly just means there's a different name signing the checks to rent the port-a-potties.
We are still nailing down our speaker schedule, but if you're an astrophotographer we do have Jon Talbot back for another two-day PixInsight session. This year, Jon is doing more of a beginner session. So if you're new to taking deep sky photos, or if you want to see how a master uses PixInsight, it's definitely worth signing up for.
As always, Okie-Tex is a place known for incredible skies, fantastic talks, and a wonderful community of people that I look forward to seeing every year.
If you've never been, we are located right on the very edge of the Oklahoma panhandle at Camp Billy Joe campground, just a few miles from Black Mesa State Park. We might be in a remote location, but we have wireless internet, clean bathrooms with showers, catered meals, bunkhouses, and all sorts of other stuff to make 9 days in the desert feel comfortable.
To register, visit https://www.okie-tex...egistration.php. Catered meals by Jody's Catering and a ticket to the PixInsight session are separate registrations, but it's all on that page. Let me know if you have any questions!
We hope to see you out in the 'Mesa. Thank you all!