Great images!
All with Astronomik L-1 from a fairly dark site, I'd guess?
Mirrors my experiences with the new OVNI-M almost exactly. In the NGC 2903 image, you can just about guess (and after some time see) the faint arm on the right going almost to the row of stars to the South, although you see it more because the region just left of that faint arm is darker than because of the arm itself.
On M51 I think with more exposures you should be able to pull the "trident" faint tidal halo left of the companion out of the noise (I've seen it visually). You're almost there, since you can already see the upper arm on M51 fan out to the side opposite the companion. And on M106 you can already guess the fainter halo around the brighter part (again more because of the darkness between the bright part and the fainter halo).
Also cool to see the two tidal tails from the faintest member of Hickson 44. That's tricky, and almost impossible with glass eyepieces (not for lack of trying on my side, even though I could guess the orientation just once with glass eyepieces at a Bortle 2 site, and get a glimpse of those at a good Bortle 4 site with NVD).
Edited by sixela, 03 April 2024 - 11:55 AM.