Here's a very quick look at just one HDR image set from just one of our Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast Initiative sites. We have something like 40 sites reporting data from the path of totality, and each site collected about 50 HDR exposure sets like this one. This is from site 33 near Jackman Maine.
This is a quick look image where the HDR exposures are roughly aligned (better alignment coming soon) and the average radial intensity of the corona is removed (the actual intensity drops by a factor of 1000x from inner corona to edge of FOV).
Our volunteers all used 40mm Askar FMA180 Pro telescopes, Player1 Neptune-M camera, iOptron SkyHunter mount, and a SharpCap Pro script to collect the data with a laptop. During partial phases each site uploaded one image per minute (stacked and processed with PlanetarySystemStacker) and during totality each site ran a script to collect HDR coronal image sets.
Looking forward to a lot of data processing!
Was this this year's eclipse or a previous one. I didn't see any long corona rays this year in sulphur springs Texas; like I did in previous Casper Wyoming eclipse.