I have 8 scopes, four Newts/dobs 8" to 17.5", two refractors 80mm & 100mm, and two Maks, 127mm & 9". The scopes I most use from home (Bortle 8) are my two Maks, especially the 9" even though the two 8" dobs I just need to pick up, plonk down and start viewing while the 9" Mak requires me to set up a goto mount.
Do I have any qualms about using the Maks with DSOs? Not at all. So I cannot fit the Eta Carina Nebula in the one FOV, BIG DEAL! Is there a licencing requirement that means one cannot view a DSO unless it fits in the one FOV? Because if that is the case then anyone with a big dob is likewise screwed! What, no one moves their scope when viewing a DSO, even if it fills the FOV???
I actually find my Maks the best suited to my urban viewing. Their longer native focal length means they have better contrast straight off the bat. Their greatest strength with DSO's is nailing GC's and PN's as both take magnification really well and an Oiii filter is a boon with PN's. With my niche in astro being sketching, the Maks are the perfect tool for my urban sketching with their compact size coupling aperture grunt with long focal length.
When I go bush, my various Newts are my preferred tools. Without the scourge of light pollution, then lower native magnification is what I exploit.
Others also add the longer cooling period of Maks as being a deal breaker, a kiss of death, an embarrassment. Yet these same people are all living under a rock as the innovation of an insulating wrap now sees Maks have ZERO cooling period while these same turkeys are still waiting for their "God send" of a scope to cool! 
It is all about the right tool for the job and what is practical for an individual. If all you can have is the one scope then you need to decide on what best suits your situation, and this is not a simple equation as there are many factors to consider. If you are fortunate to be able to have several scopes, then it is no less a complex equation though with more flexibility. But to outright dismiss any one scope design because of personal bias towards some design or other is just dumb. Maks in particular experience this prejudice namely as a vestige of the Cold War bias against anything with a Russian sounding name - which is most curious as Questars are Maks and are considered as perfection!
Yet the same vigour of prejudice is not put to SCT's, DK's, RC's or CC's...
Below are two examples of DSO's nailed with a Mak from under urban skies. Both are part of the sketching marathons I undertook of PN's and GC's.
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of any scope design and you will be able to exploit each to your own advantage.
THANK YOU Sir. maroubra_boy. THANK YOU.
I agreed with you 100% and I know we all bias with our scopes BUT what people fail to understand is they keep forcing their wide field view on us, I'm sorry but they not me, this is my eyes my retina. I literally don't care wide field, what I care is the long focal length to magnification big the objects I need see. I don't need a f/3 yada wide field that show Saturn as a star, I need to see not just Saturn rings but ALSO Saturn 4 Moons.
I need to see the Whirlpool galaxy as a big fat SNAIL which I need the Mak magnification for that. I don't need to see the wide field area around Whirlpool, I need to see Whirlpool itself as a big fat snail. btw I see Whirlpool with my Mak.
And another misconception that Mak cannot see DSO right? I will debunk that theory. The newbie me only has Maks, and even with 4-5 inches Maks AND in a Borle 7.8 and in a barely 19 SQM, my Mak still pick up DSO fine. Thank you to it focal length to magnification what I want to see.
Galaxy let see what my Mak can see, and I'm a newbie, with very limited scope and sky. But I can see all these:
I see Sombrero galaxy in Virgo, and stumble on another one elliptical galaxy but not sure which Messier number.
Andromeda M31 and and M32 and M110
I see M81 and M82 in Big Dippers, and stumble on another one oval shape galaxy too but not know which Messier number.
I see M51 Whirlpool galaxy.
I see the diffuse nebula M1 the Crab nebula
I see the Ring, Dumbbell, Saturn Nebula, Trifid Nebula, Lagoon.
I see Orion and that Running Man Nebula NGC 1977 conjunction Orion.
I see Omega here everynight at 8 degrees altitude, but all I can see is a Big Grey Glow.! but this is not a Mak fault, this is because of my darn sky fault and it super low at 8 degrees altuitude so I'm looking through alot of atmospherre, and SQM 19 and Bortle 8 sky,
I see too many way too many Open stars clusters that I not know which Messier or NGC number, way too many open stars clusters to counts.
Now to my favorite, globs, I see alot of globular clusters, M75, M2, M80, M54, M15, M28, M62, M92, M5, M13, M30, M53, M69, M70, M79, M3, M19, M22, M9, M14, M9, M4, M12, M72, M56, M71, M55, NGC 6144
They are DSO, M75 and M72 are dark sky globs which M72 at magnitude 9.4 dim
And Mak can't see DSO eh? I just debunk that myth, all that above are DSO objects.
My point is, use whatever scope fit your eyes and your personality, this hobby is not a competition on which scopes design is better, or who can see more stuff than who, or who has darker sky than who. Work with what you have, as long as you enjoy your scope and enjoy what you see, then it doesn't matter other people see North America Nebula, who cares, it not a darn competition.
Edited by 34degN, 20 April 2024 - 06:17 PM.