I have been reading on here for weeks but it's still not quite syncing in my brain. so appreciate any help.
I have a PVS-14 used in afocal mode and the TV-67 eyepiece. using a 92mm refractor.
what is the best way to zoom in? (without modifying my NV device or changing telescope?)
I am understanding that if I use shorter focal length eyepieces the views get dimmer...but is there a point where it's worth it to lose a little brightness to zoom in a bit?
was looking at Gavster's galaxy photos from last month and blown away. I know a 16 inch dob is a different world than a 3.5" scope.
for me I was looking at a few galaxies last night...they look like bigger fuzzier stars. I don't see any details at all.
or is that just normal / expected with a 92mm refractor? would a shorter focal length eyepiece help? or a reducer of some kind?
(don't get me wrong. I was blown away knowing I was looking at galaxies from bortle 5 on my front porch...not disappointed at all - just hungry for more)
thank you!!
Edited by vicuna, 02 May 2024 - 07:04 AM.