Here are some fvery irst results of the processing of the TSE images see from Cacalotan/Mexico (south of Mazatlan).
The sky was covered with cirrus of various density during totality. Still, conditions seems to have been a bit better than at Mazatlan (which was our originally planned spot).
I could make use of about 20 s of clearing for this first HDR composite. The objective at this stage was not to have a pretty picture (more work is needed for this ...), but to identify coronal structure and check for possible motions in the corona.
Here is the HDR composite at 50% resolution :
Stars are visible up to mag 11.
More interesting are the motions detected in the corona :
Here at 50 % resolution :
and 100% resolution :
- expansion of streamers can be seen at 11h, 9 h and 5 h directions,
- dark "voids" going downward (i.e. to the Sun) are seen at 1h and 5 h directions,
- a small expanding bubble is seen near the 9 h direction.
It is better to display the GIF at 50% to 100% zoom to identify these motions.
Stars are seen to move too. This is because of the relative motion between the Sun and the stars (images are registered to the Sun).
Too bad only 90 images could be actually used out of the 500 taken during totality :-(
The instrument was a ZWO FF 80/600 refractor with a Nikon Z7 II on an iOptron HAE29EC mount. Exposure was from 1/250 s to 1s during totality at 100 ISO.
More to come (but much latter ...) with a complete version including prominences.
Clear skies !