Just a day before the major Aurora event, I was shooting Bode & Cigar IFN. Well, because there is nothing much to shoot up in here around this time of the year! Then realized I can see the Milky Way around NE at 2 am, then decided to look what's up there. Well, there was the comet. Would it worth trying? Then the background looked good to my eye and decided to give it a shot. Although I'm in B4-5, our North is very dark. There is a small town then there is nothing for more than 100 miles. I can even say there is nothing until you go around the North pole. And this is the result of that 1h40m integration. I have to admit, it took an entire day to process this image taken with a mono camera. I failed so many times, but eventually I'm glad I decided to give it a shot that night.
More details: https://www.astrobin.com/uoim98/
Edited by Ogetay, 18 May 2024 - 01:06 AM.