Hello Everyone,
In december I bought a 2nd hand Astro-Tech AT66ED to get into astrophotography. Because of reasons I have only been able to start messing around with it properly since last week.
I took some decent images of the moon, but I would be better of with more magnification because right now it needs a lot of cropping (and thus loss of detail). Considering I have 2X barlow for/from my 8" dobson, I tried to use it on this refractor but it doesn't fit. Basically the problem is that the barlow and the telescope tube have the same diameter. I'm thinking I probably need some sort of adapter/extension tube that I can screw on the thread (on the telescope) and then shove the barlow in on the other end. But what exactly am I looking for? What is it called?
I don't want to mess around with extension tubes too much, because (correct me if i'm wrong) it also messes up my focus travel...
Thanks in advance!