"This event was very 'cool,' but I was not overcome with emotion nor driven to hoot and holler as many of those present seemed compelled to do.”
What does me mean by ‘emotion’? I certainly was overcome by something, but I’m not sure I’d call it emotion — at least not completely. I may have blurted out an “oh my gosh!” or “ooh, look at that!” to those around me, but I don't think I did any hootin’ and hollering.
“While this was a truly rare and unique experience, I certainly understand why most people are not motivated to travel hundreds or thousands of miles for eclipses.”
Yes, it was a truly rare and unique experience. No, you don’t understand why people were not motivated to go to the trouble. There were *so many* who missed out on the eclipse but would have made a great effort to get to the centerline if they knew how special it is. On the other hand, many others who stayed home just wouldn’t have been interested enough to make the trip in any case. Mr. Carpenter may indeed understand this second group a little better.
“I hope no one was upset by internet astronomy nerds accosting people for not being sufficiently enthused in their grand estimation.”
I agree. People shouldn’t be badgered for not having 'sufficient' enthusiasm. This is true with anything that is a matter of interest or taste. However, the 'nerds' may have 'accosted' those who expressed a lack of enthusiasm but never actually saw a TSE.
“I was encouraged by the number of internet posts from normal people truly enjoying partial eclipses from outside the centerline."
What does this statement even mean? Encouraged by what? I would be disheartened if someone told me how cool the 98% eclipse was, while not knowing they missed out on a profoundly sublime experience.
He may just not appreciate the beauty of nature quite like many of us do. There is nothing wrong with that. Some of us are just wired differently. He does seem to be quite interested in the technical and mathematical aspects of astronomy. For all we know, the event may have had a diminished impact on him while he was busily operating his equipment for the duration. That’s why I limited my tech to iPhone video.
Since he has seen a total eclipse in person, I respect his response to it. What I wouldn’t respect is for someone to discourage others from making it to a TSE — *especially* if that person had never seen one.