This is my first attempt of the Lagoon region. Image acquired in my backyard in Bortle 5+ skies over 2 nights with ~50% moon and average seeing.
9 hours of data using 60 second subs.
Askar 103 APO with 1.0 field flattener
ZWO ASI2400MC Pro OSC camera
ZWO AM5 mount
EAF focuser
ASI AIR Plus acquisition and guiding
Processed in PixInsight and Photoshop
Pixinsight steps: Blink, Subframe selector, WBPP, tools (Automatic DBE, Find Background), BlurXterminator, SPCC, Stars extracted with StarXterminator.
Starless image processed with Histogram Transformation, Curves for saturation only, Dark Structure Enhance. No color masks used because I wanted to see an authentic representation of the color
Stars stretched using Star Stretch script at 4.0 strength and 1.2 color enhancement.
Combined with Pixel Math using screen method ~((~starless)*(~stars))
Hi Resolution Version at astrobin
Suggestions and comments appreciated
Thanks to those of you who have coached me on CN. I am encouraged that good images can be achieved in moderately light polluted skies!