For the last few weeks I have been getting half second flashes of banded color - like the ones in the first 2 photos attached.
The Zebra Like patterns are NOT in the Flashes. I used my hand camera to take those 2 pictures from my PC Screen - from a 8 second MP4 video I shot of it happening. I needed a third hand to move the sliders and take the video.
The flashes happen when I move the histogram sliders or some of the other adjustable functions of Sharpcap.
The last image is the save as seen from the capture. It doesnt seem to be affecting the images.
The longer the stack runs - the weaker the colors in the flashes seem to be.
I'm using a Windows 10 Laptop with 12 GB Ram.
M17 - Celestron 6se - 6.3 Reducer - Player One Uranus C Camera - Sharpcap 4.1
What causes these Flashes of banded color ??
3AM Here - Off to bed -
Thanks for your input.