Dr. Rob Zellem, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, will present an overview of the Exoplanet Watch. This citizen science project allows folks, even those without telescopes, to aid researchers in observing transiting exoplanets to help ensure the efficient use of NASA resources, like Hubble and JWST. He'll also give a workshop demonstration of their data reduction code, EXOTIC, on the Google Colab.
Admission: Free
When: Saturday, August 10 at 2 PM Eastern
Register: Online
The American Association of Variable Star Observers is an international non-profit organization of variable star observers whose mission is to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific discovery through variable star astronomy. We accomplish our mission by carrying out the following activities:
- observation and analysis of variable stars;
- collecting and archiving observations for worldwide access;
- forging strong collaborations between amateur and professional astronomers;
- promoting scientific research, education, and public outreach using variable star data.