I present a whopping 2.4 hours of the Lagoon Nebula shot very low on the horizon through the adjoining neighborhood's light pollution and haze of Saharan dust. Really sub-optimal conditions, plus I shoot OSC broadband with only a UV/IR cut filter, so the throttle was wide open on this one. I hadn't planned on shooting this target tonight and only lined up on it as a filler while waiting for the Helix to rise. I didn't even bother to center it in the frame because I didn't think this would be a keeper! But in the end the image turned out decent and I like the off-center framing, so figured I'd post it.
Astro Tech AT60ED Reduced to f/4.8 (287mm)
Baader UV/IR Cut Filter
ASI183MC Pro
SV165 30mm Guidescope
ASI120MM Mini
Star Adventurer 2i
ASIAir Pro
Lights 72 x 120" (2.4 hours)
60 Darks, Flats, & Bias
Processed in Siril & GraXpert on a Mac.
Thanks for looking.
Click here for a larger version.