Hi, I've been using Binoscopes since 2014.
I love binoviewing very much.
I use one bino, three binoscopes
and one mono scope with binoviewer.
I often have some issues, though.
Very often I have to refocus slightly.
And horizontal merging is an issue to.
Recently I have the thoght,
that my early adolescence pop art 3 D picture training
messed up my stable focus
and natural horizontal merging skills.
At least, in the BV horizontal merging usually can't be adjusted, so I'm forced to accept the definded position (though my brain tries to look slightly "below", when ever possible)
How can I fix this?
Looks, like my 3D image trained eyes/ brain always want to look "below" or "in front"
and can't keep a crisp image at one defined position.
If you have any strategies to address these issues,
I'd be very glad to know.
No ophtalmologist in the area can help at all in this field...