Central in the image is the blue OIII emission line "sprite" structure of SNR G013.3-01.3. This SNR is in a field of Ha emission identified as Sh2-41 (also LBN 51). The distance of this SNR has been somewhat elusive with SNRCat indicating anywhere from 6,500 light years to 13,000 light years. The filamentary Ha emission below the blue sprites of the SNR and those to the left are believed to be part of the SNR shell. These filamentary Ha structures appear to be extensions of the dimmer blue OIII emissions .
This is a busy field aside from the main attraction of the SNR. Dark nebulae are LDN 336, LDN 335 (Barn 307), LDN 321 and 328, LDN 327 (Barn 92), LDN 327 (Barn 93) and a string of dark nebulae (Dobashi Catalog) in the lower right. Bright Nebulae seen are LBN 52 and Sh2-39. Open clusters seen are NGC 6613 (M18), NGC 6603 (Collinder 374, Melotte 197), and Biurakan 5.
The thumbnail image of The SNR and M24 Region below links to my website page with image and additional information and links. There are also links below to the full resolution and annotated images. The full zoomed image has horizontal FOV of 2.52 degrees and an image scale of about 1.46 "/pixel.
Full FOV image (Pan and Zoom):
SNR G013.3-01.3 in M24 Region
Annotated Image (Pan and Zoom):
SNR G013.3-01.3 in M24 Region Annotated
Images also available on astrobin - SNR G013.3-01.3 in M24 Region
Scope: FSQ-106N at f/5
Camera: ASI2600MM (Astronomik type 2c RGB, 6 nm Ha and OIII filters)
Location: DAA Observatory, Shelter Valley, CA: Dates: 12, 28, 29 June, 2 July, 2024