Hi all, I wanted to post my new telescope. I wasn't sure where to really put it because its like a love child between a Cass and a Reflector lol. For many years I wanted to get a truss tube telescope because they just look so cool and they remind me of the observatory ones. I kept looking at an RC, but I wasn't sure how well it would have worked with my Night Vision device which is a PVS 14. I do a lot of visual with the NV and some astrophotography. While searching around, I found that GSO made a truss Cassagraine telescope but they did not have it in stock on Agena Astro. However First Light Optics had their version which was a Stellalyra. It was a mental battle if I wanted a 12 inch or 10. I went with the 10 because they had one open box demo that was cheaper and I can pick up 38 pounds without a problem. I may have struggled with a 54 pound scope . Now, I absolutely love my c11. I call him my big boy because it sites on my CGX mount with the CGX-L tripod legs. On top of it I carry a 3 inch Stellarvue triplet refractor. It is pretty much my ultimate setup for those dark skies that I will be spending hours under. It also weighs in about 180 pounds. It remains up in my home in North East Pennsylvania. When I chose to get this truss tube, I wanted something to give me close to similar views like my c11 and to keep it down at my fathers house. I do a lot of
outreach programs and local observing with my astro friends. This scope will also weigh in about 130 pound which is lighter for me. The weight doesn't bother me. Keeps this girl strong. I have yet to test it out because I am waiting for a diagonal and a CGX mount which I should have all of it soon thanks to some sellers on here. I do plan on switching out the focuser in the future for something way better. FLO had pointed me to a few good models. I will update what the final set up will be like. I only had my new scope on my current mount just to see how it would look like. I also included a pic of my beloved c11 and my new scope.
Hope this didn't sound too confusing. I get a little ADHD when I write haha.
As always clear skies
Edited by Celestro21, 07 August 2024 - 09:21 PM.