This was taken at the prime focus of a Takahashi FC-100DZ fluorite doublet refractor using an uncooled ZWO ASI678MC "planetary" type camera. I combined 32 subs that were each exposed for 4 seconds so the total integration time was 2 minutes and 8 seconds. The image scale with this setup is 0.52 arc seconds per pixel and north is oriented up. The limiting magnitude on this shot is approximately 17 and I'm somewhat surprised that I got this sharp of an image since this nebula is pretty far south and fairly low on my horizon. However, I did use PixInsight's SubframeSelector to pick the 32 subs with the smallest FWHM (star size) out of my total of 450 samples.
I captured most of these subs while I was waiting for the planet Pluto to shift enough in the sky so that I could create an animation of its movement. That animation is in the following CN thread:
Hopefully over the next few days I'll be able to increase my set of subs on the Saturn Nebula as that should allow me to do a drizzle integration to grow the image scale. However, if I don't get a clear night soon the moon will be getting too bright to do much broadband work, so we'll have to see what happens before the end of this weekend.
Image capture with N.I.N.A. using direct "guide" with dither, image processing with PixInsight and Photoshop 2024. There are additional capture details in the image captions. Click on the preview to see the full-sized image.
Edited by james7ca, 08 August 2024 - 10:37 AM.