I just ordered a PVS-14 the other day to use both handheld and in my 11" F/4.5 Teeter dob, and am currently sorting out what accessories I will use with it. There is a wealth of information on this site which has been very useful, but some of it can be confusing or possibly outdated, so I still have a few things I'm hoping to get clarified.
1. When using a 3x magnifier, is it better to use a 2" filter mounted to the end of the magnifier using a 58mm to 48mm step down ring, or a 1.25" filter installed between the magnifier and PVS-14? If I go with the second option, what adapter do I need? I saw a post mentioning using 58mm filters, would that be better than both options?
Hopefully some one that has tried both will chime in here. I use 2" 48mm format universely. My hand held is using a TVNC filter adapter and a TeleVue PVS14 adapter at 1X.
2. Is there a way to achieve prime focus without taking the device apart and voiding the warranty?
Not to my Knowledge. The only way is to remove the objective lens assembly from the PVS14 body and add adaptors.
3. Is there a generally agreed upon preference between a filter wheel or a filter slide installed inside the telescope?
This is a personal preference. I only use two filters and don't mind swapping the filters out on the eyepieces when needed.
As A side note : My most used eyepieces are the TeleVue 55/67 Plossl and a TeleVue 26 Nagler. (The 26 Nagler is no longer in production but a 27 Panoptic will work just fine) These eyepiece choices are a personal thing. With the exeption of Galaxies, Globular Clusters and Planetary Nebulae, By far most of my time is spent with the TeleVue 67mm Plossl. You are going to be amazed just how big things are out there.
4. I'll be using this in heavily light polluted Central New Jersey, near NYC. I understand I should probably go with a 685nm filter and an H-alpha filter that is somewhere between 3-6nm, any suggestions on specifically which I should go for? Any brand that is currently considered the best for either one? Does 685nm sound right for where I'm at?
I live under Bortle 8+ skies and need agressive filtering. The two filters I use are the Baader 685nm IR Longpass and a Antila 3.2nm Ha narrowband filters. I used to use a 6nm Ha filter and the 6nm Ha filter does work quite well but the 3.2 Ha filter works remarkably better for nebulae viewing. I thought that I should mention the 6nm Ha filter, simply because it is near half the cost of the 3.2nm. However, if I had known how well the 3.2nm Ha filter would work, I would have purchased it from the get go.
5. Do the specs of the tube impact any of the aforementioned decisions? I'm not sure if posting the specs violates the rules, but from what I understand about these things, I believe I got lucky and called at the right time to get a very good one.
Yes, The higher the PS, SNR and to a point GAIN and Lower the EBI and HALO the better everything works. CN has its own rules about ITAR but you can post the specs, just don't post the supplied spec sheet that comes with the PVS 14.
Any help is greatly appreciated, looking forward to getting started!
Welcome to the NVA club it is amazing. Purchaing a NVD is one of the best decisions that I made for the Backyard Astronomy Project.