I'm fairly new to solar imaging and would like to improve my editing abilities. I attached 3 edits I did of sunspot region 3780. I captured about 20 videos of this target on Aug 6th and this is the one that had the best detail after being stacked. "Seeing" was listed as very good to excellent, but the jet stream was poor, so overall, not a great day for imaging... but where I live, this is about as good as it gets, so not much I can do about the source quality unfortunately. Putting aside the source quality, I still think there's a ton of room for improvement over the edits I did.
I would like to ask anyone who's interested to use my source image and see if you can do a better edit than mine, and share the details of your editing process so that I, and others, can learn and improve.
Source image (Autostakkert used to calibrate with a flat frame, stack, and debayer):
My process: I tried using wavelets in Registax but it always seemed too blotchy. So I stuck with Imppg for deconvolution and curves adjustments, and then made some (aimless) adjustments using the SolarToolbox process in PixInsight (3rd party install), and finally used Topaz to denoise and sharpen.