If you are doing such an event at a public place, you really cannot know with any certainty what the numbers will be. And asking what others experience was is no help either - their situation will be different to yours just like where they have set up will be different. All you can do is guess. And the local council you are organising this with will be aware of this too.
My own Club is faced with the same situation. Our first priority was to find a site that made it as easy and accessible for our members with their gear. From this point to then negotiate with the relevant local council. How you present your case for the event will be your best tool. The experience your club has with dealing with outreach events, the safety precautions you have developed not only over time but for the event you are applying for to show you are thinking ahead, the reasons for the site you have selected not only for your members but also how it works for the community to keep them safe (for instance as this is with the Moon and planets (Venus early & Saturn later on) we are making use of the ambient lighting to our advantage including having this lighting behind us), if you feel that the event will need facilities such as a public toilets, and of course the relevant insurance documents of your club. Even whatever banners you may want to set up. It won't be the first time the Council you are dealing with has had an event proposed with no certainty of numbers. That they mention the number of 50 people is a starting point for this element of uncertainty - they are not dumb. We have the exact same requirement and number being asked of us too. So, we said 50 people along with all the above information. Such an astro outreach event will also be an event out of left field for most Councils too, so they will be proactive too, but only if you show you (your club that is) are thinking about this and taking it seriously. Be vague and present no case of having considered the many aspects of keeping people safe and your chances evaporate.
How many people end up turning up is important for future events to be organised. Important for you and for the Council too. Local Councils are always looking for new events that brings the community together in a safe, exciting and proactive way. A successful event is what you do want, even if the numbers burst that 50 bubble. Don't fear that 50 number. What matters most is a good event especially as there will be families. Now, if 300 people turn up then there are emergency measures that can be taken if things get difficult, but this is not something that you should focus on. Now is working out how to organise yourselves for this event, bringing together the corporate knowledge your club has to pull off a great outreach event for everyone that turns up. If 300 people do show up, how your club is able to work with such a number and pull off a great event, then, mate, THIS is what you REALLY want! This will mean that the Council will admire your club and will willingly work even more closely with you in the future. You know, "building relationships" and all that buzz.
This is what I am focused on right now as my own Club is just over a week away from doing our own event. It isn't just about having members with telescopes, but also members without their telescopes as these are the ones who will monitor the queues, answer questions of people who are walking by and curious at what is happening, questions of people as they wait, and perform an invaluable job as the face of the club. The members with their scopes will have their hands full with their guests at the scope, they cannot perform these other tasks. If all this sounds like I am telling you and your club how to suck lemons, but my intention is to bring into mind aspects that maybe you or others reading this that haven't been considered. We are all in this together even if we are on opposite sides of the world.
Edited by maroubra_boy, 04 September 2024 - 04:58 PM.