I've been an amateur astronomer for decades now, but really got back into the hobby in the last year. My focus is on refractors, but I own two SCT's as well. I don't really have room for a Dob. I live under a Bortle 7 sky, but I have access to much darker skies within an hour's drive.
I really like the "photons to eyeball" concept of visual astronomy, but, obviously, I am limited to the brighter celestial objects for casual viewing. As for AP, I just don't have any interest in post-processing and all that goes with it. Plus, my friends that do AP have spent upwards of $10.000 acquiring all of the necessary gear. I can't afford that, nor would I choose AP even if I could.
I am a USAF vet, so I have some experience with NV. In fact, back in the 90's a friend had a monocular NV and I was delighted with it. Comet Hale-Bopp was a dim naked eye object that came alive under the NV scope.
Obviously, I am interested. However, I would have to sell a good portion of my astro gear to afford even a modest NV purchase. Then there is the learning curve.
How does one attach an NV scope to the focuser?
Do I really need the filters I'm reading about here?
What is a decent, entry level NV scope, how much do they cost, and how do I determine that it will work for astro NV?
Sorry if these are redundant questions.