I am looking to buy a new eyepiece for my 10" f/7.2 truss dob build. 95% of the time this will be used for planetary viewing. I thought I was beginning to understand how the FL to FOV relationship effected the view at the eyepiece however, after using a eyepiece simulator now I'm not so sure. The way I thought I understood it any given eyepiece of the same FL would produce the same size image and the FOV determined how much dark space was around the image. Also, again the way I was thinking about it, a larger FOV would have a larger sweet spot.
Using the eyepiece simulator what I found was as the FOV increased the image got smaller.
For Example:
The image in a 8mm eyepiece at 228.5 magnification with a 100 degree FOV looked very small
The image in a 8mm eyepiece at 228.5 magnification with a 72 degree FOV looked bigger than the 72 FOV
The image in a 8mm eyepiece at 228.5 magnification with a 50 degree FOV looked looked the biggest
All 3 eyepieces had the same magnification yet the size of the images were all different.
I'm wondering if the eyepiece simulator is reducing the image when a larger FOV eyepiece is used in order to accurately show the amount of black space around the image or if the image is actually smaller and I just don't understand how eyepieces work.
Does the FOV effect the physical size of the object projected in the eyepiece i.e. does the physical size of an image decrease as the FOV increases?