I am a new beginner with little experience (I've spotted a planet before on my old reflector telescope) looking to get into Astrophotography. I've done what research I can and learned a lot (much info coming from these forums, thanks!) but I feel like I might be missing a thing or two. My overall goal is to observe and photograph DSO's like nebulas and maybe some galaxies too.
I live on a farm with a Bortle Class 5 sky (measured from both light pollution maps and my own SQM) in northeastern USA.
My equipment so far is:
- Skywatcher flextube 350 14 inch dobsonian (Should be delivered in the coming days)
- ZWO ASI 533MC-P (I have a 12V AC to DC power supply too)
- Baader Hyperion Mark IV Zoom Eyepiece
- Tele Vue 35mm Panoptic
- Tele Vue 2x Image Amplifier
- Anker Solix F1200 power station to power all my gear
I plan on using NINA to control the telescope from my laptop, then GIMP or some other software to process pictures. I know most astrophotographers recommend not using this style of telescope, but it was the most cost effective means to get my aperture size I wanted. Plus, I saw several guides on using this to capture stunning photos.
My questions are as follows:
- What other equipment am I lacking? While I feel like I covered what I could, I know there are always details that guides miss that is assumed to be common knowledge.
- How will I attach the camera? All the guides I've seen were more so reviews and didn't go into the mechanics of HOW it attaches. I can't help but feel I'm missing something.
- Are there temperatures I shouldn't operate in? It gets cold in the winter here.
- Are there any additional resources I should be consulting/reading?
- Any other insight/advice?
Thank you very much for your time.