I was outside a few nights ago around midnight, looking at the area between the Coathanger cluster and M27 with my Oberwerk 15x70 Deluxe. I knew that the Perseid meteor shower was going on, but I'm more interested in hunting deep sky objects with my binoculars and looking for meteors is probably best done without holding an instrument up to your eyes.
Anyway, to my great surprise, while I was looking at a star asterism and trying to decide where I was exactly located in the sky, a meteor streaked across my binocular FOV. The sight only lasted a small fraction of a second but, startled as I was, I registered a lot of detail in that very small amount of time. The meteor was brilliant orange and was leaving an actual trail of "sparks" as it raced across the FOV.
If I had wanted to see a meteor streaking across the sky in my binoculars, it would never happen. I think it is most likely to happen completely by chance.