Hello All,
I have a 32mm Plossl that has no brand name. It looks like the Orion Sirius or Meade 4000 32mm, so probably the same manufacturer. In usage alongside my Orion Sirius 25mm Plossl, the 32mm has been fine and I haven't noticed any differences compared to the 25mm, other than magnification, of course.
Most likely I will upgrade my 25mm and a few of my other eyepieces over time. I'm wondering if I should look at a better 32mm Plossl, such as an Orion, Meade, or Celestron version. Of course, there is the Televue option, but I don't think I'm there yet in my astronomical journey. My telescope is a SkyWatcher 102mm f/5 achromat, so I'm not in the high end of equipment by any measure.
In comparing my non-branded 32mm to my Orion Sirius 25mm, I see the following.
Non-branded 32mm
- marked as fully multi-coated
- reflections in the lenses: all reflections are green tinted
Orion Sirius 25mm
- marked as multi-coated
- reflections in the lenses: some are green tinted, some are light pink to white (not fully reflecting a white light source)
With the "fully multi-coated" marking and the green tinted reflections in the 32mm, it seems to me this is probably already a pretty good eyepiece and may not need an upgrade at my level of astronomical experience. But I invite your comments on the differences between these eyepieces and any thoughts of upgrading.
Thank you as always,