I am not the type to often dwell on regrets, but @MarkMittlesteadt posted a nice thread on the Cats & Casses forum talking about visiting an ETX-105 that he used to own and how nice it was to reunite with it.
That got me thinking. I used to have an ETX and I regret parting with it. What other scopes did I own that I regret selling and/or giving away?
- Sears 2426 40mm Reflector - this was my first scope that I got for Christmas 1979. In my 20's I threw it out because I had a C8 by then - why would I need this? Fortunately a few years ago I found another one and bought it - so the regret isn't as bad.
- Celestron C8 - this was from the mid 90's and it was a black tube on that crazy little wedgepod. It was a great scope - I wish I had it now that I have some experience under my belt. As a novice, much of its capability was likely lost on me.
- Meade ETX-90/EC - my first "GOTO" scope. It was a great little unit (once I had the quirks of the drive sorted out) and I would *LOVE* to have one today.
- Meade Starfinder 10" Dob - I did a Messier Marathon with this back in the early 2000's. I used to take that scope everywhere. I sold it to a good friend of mine, and she has let me visit it on occasion. I'm not sure I'd want another one, but I kinda wish I'd kept this one. The mirrors on it were great!
- Orion StarMax 127 - I got this for the Mars Opposition of 2003 (I think?) and it was a great scope. I wish I had kept it.
- Meade 2120 LX6/Premier, later put on an LXD-75 mount - This one is at the TOP of the list (not literally though, apparently!). This scope had freaky sharp optics and was so much fun to use. I just really enjoyed using that scope. It gave me by far the best views of Jupiter that I've ever had.
- Explore Scientific ED-102 Triplet - last one! For six years this was my main scope and I really enjoyed using it. I really wish I'd kept it and paired it with either my 10" SCT or my 10" Dob. That would have been a killer combination!
When I look at this list, it's like 1/2 of all the scopes I've ever owned! I don't regret the journey I've been on, and I'm really happy with my current freaky sharp 8" SCT and my super transportable 70mm refractor. The more I think on it, the more I think I wound up exactly where I want to be telescopically speaking.
Hmmm... no regrets I guess?
How about you? Did you let one (or more!) get away that you wish you hadn't?
Clear skies!
PS: As a Canadian, I have to say "SORRY!" if this topic has been done before. I had a quick search for "regret" in the forum topics and didn't see anything that really fit. Cheers!
EDIT: I realize some of my scopes aren't Classics - but most of them are. I also think the vast majority of people that sold their scopes would have been Classics. Maybe I'm wrong about that?
Edited by Rick-T137, 17 August 2024 - 11:55 AM.