Spherochromaticism - dependence of spherical correction on frequency. Even APOs suffer this as they get medium fast. Roland C posted an article once where he had to explain why the star test did not produce identical results inside/outside with one of his triplets. He pointed out that you had to balance it out so that it was as good as possible in focus.
Yes, exactly. Generally corrected in green so red and blue are a little less so, but the eye is less sensitive in those colors. Here's a DPAC from my Celestron OMNI XLT 6" f/5 refractor showing that this specific lens is actually best corrected in red, so it's a monster for NV in H-alpha and solar H-alpha viewing with a Quark.
Oh, and look, here's a Tasco 60mm RAO scope, $100 in Gresham, OR
Astroscan - $100 in Ontario, OR