I asked this question in the refractor forum because I have 4” refractor and wanted to get opinions of folks who’d done the Herschel 400 with a refractor but also those who had added another scope, primarily a cat or reflector. I had a 5 inch refractor (Takahashi TSA 120) but I sold it as the 4 inch was the one I grabbed 95% of the time. And call me crazy, but I prefer the color (in the scope) of the 4 inch over the 5 inch. There’s just something about my 100 DZ that keeps me coming back. And honestly, side-by-side my 120 and my 100- most of the time it was extremely hard to tell the difference between the two and I could not bring myself to sell the 100 over the 120. Ultimately ease of use is very important to me. So having looked through an 8” Edge HD over the summer on one of the Messier objects that was very tough for me in my refractor, the Edge really triumphed. And of course that got me thinking I could grab a Mewlon or Edge for those tougher objects. They would still be easier to pick up and put on my alt/az mount than rolling out and assembling my 12 inch dob.
I'm currently looking at both the Mewlon 180 or the Edge 8hd. Both would work on my current alt/az mount easily. I hoped that they’d nicely reveal some of the more faint objects. Having said that, I just completed my messier object list, and some of the fainter objects were very tough in my 4” refractor. At times I had to set up my 12 inch Dob, and that took an hour or so. Opinions welcomed, particularly for the Mewlon as that’s the way I’m leaning.