These were taken this morning under above average seeing. My QHY585C was sent back to the factory for a misaligned CCD chip which when rotating the camera to align with the planet's equator, the globe would jump completely off the laptop screen. Back to the the ASI462MC operating at f20, ADC used for Saturn but not Jupiter. Heavy dew was causing my ball to drop so I had to keep wiping it with paper towels and adding an extra weight at the back. I did get the EAF connected to my Feather Touch focuser and made a world of difference. I'll try running off NINA tonight so I can see the focuser counts rather than just use the hand controller. The best view was the Delos 4.5mm with the Baader contrast booster, approx 350x, very nice. A 3nd night in a row of 4/5 seeing again tonight, but this time, I'll have the C14 imaging. It will be interesting to compare the 2 scopes. It is strange that Jupiter was twice as high as Saturn was in the sky, yet it's image is clearly not as sharp. Hope you like these!