I've been post-processing images with a Vaonis Vespera Pro and I've been noticing these inconsistent artifacts showing up after the stacking and background extraction process. They appear as bands, wide striations, etc. and while sometimes I can compensate during stretching, other times the image appears worthlessly unprocessable. The effect seems to vary depending on stacking software, background extraction method, smoothing parameters etc. but not fully purgeable if it exists no matter what I use, although sometimes it simply won't show up at all.
Sometimes the effect is reasonably subtle especially after post-processing and/or gathering additional data such as (see the background darkness fluctuations especially in the bottom right):
Other times it's noticeable and distracting but somewhat tolerable such as:
And other times it's so dramatic the image appears essentially unusable such as:
I'm having difficulty tracking down what could be causing this effect. Is it because I'm not using flats and bias frames and only using lights and darks? Is it because I'm adding low-quality images to my stack? Is it some artifact of the stacking method? Why does it become so noticeable after background extraction? Are these perhaps different effects that have different causes?
Any help root-causing the issue would be very appreciated!