I have that problems with my scope too. Jiggles right off the screen when using Sharp Cap before I can hit quick capture. Won't a barlow just make it fuzzier? My viewing just after 12am was so bad I didn't take a single shot. Next week my 8 inch scope is suppose to be here, cant wait but I will have too.
Not Bad for as crappy as the viewing was.
Which scope were you using? I am not familiar with your rigs.
yeah, maybe a barlow would make it worse
I was using a C8-Newtonian with the AVX mount, this pair
I used an ASI2600MM Pro, with a GPU coma corrector (the corrector is probably unnecessary for planetary, but that was the way it was since I'm into DSOs)
thank you
Edited by John Berger, 08 September 2024 - 05:01 PM.