Hi everyone!
I'm relatively new to the EEA and, in particular, imaging since I have only done visual astronomy so far, so I am looking for advice from experts on how to actually use Indigo Sky with my SV705C camera since I am having some issues.
I am using a telescope with an SVBony 705C camera (I know it is made for planetary imaging, but I'm planning to get the DSO version as soon as I have money).
I own a MacBook (Pro M2), which has a very good battery life. I did try to use AstroDMx Capture as they suggested on the SVBony website, but it is not working, and the software keeps crashing when I try to open the camera. It recognizes the camera gets the parameters, but when I try to open the camera, it crashes.
Therefore, since I also own a Raspberry Pi 4, I decided to try Indigo Sky, also because in the future, I'd like to make it control the guiding and the mount as well, but first thing first, I'd like to make my SV705C work and get some image of easy DSO objects and planets. So I installed it, and it is booting fine. The SVBony drivers are there and seem to work.
I am able to connect to the camera, and I can acquire a single frame.
However, like at the second/third capture attempt, the "exposure" button goes yellow, drops to 0 (even if the value was not zero), and just hangs. It seems stuck as no buttons are effective in any way for the camera controls (I can still change pages in the web page and go to other pages, so I believe it's not an RPi system problem), so the only thing I can do is force reboot the raspberry to make it work again.
I also tried Ekos, connecting to Indigo on RPi, but without being able to get any frame at all, despite the camera parameters and settings are there.
After one hour+ of tries, I desperately gave up and decided to switch to my old Windows PC (with a battery life of kinda 20 minutes) and try to use the SharpCap directly through USB, bypassing Indigo Sky/RPi, which worked as a charm, even though the image was not on focus, was all black (unless an high gain is used, then was all yellowish due to a lot of light pollution), but that was probably my fault, I am using a reflector originally bought for visual astronomy, with a Barlow to get prime focus, light pollution, etc... I was able, however, to get a frame, of a street light at the end of the road, so the image is there, and I can see stuff, just not sky stuff
In conclusion, my question is: I want to use Indigo Sky with my Mac using Ekos to capture images, but this seems not to be working for some unknown reason.
Can someone help me?
My only alternative is to switch to Windows and use it from there, but it seems to me that the Indigo Sky/RPi combo is the best solution for me since I can use it with my Mac, and in future, I can use it to control the mount and the guiding as well.
What do you suggest?
Thank you in advance for your help!
P.S. I did not tried windows compatible softwares along with Indigo Sky, just Mac compatible software, since the issues seems (I believe) to be happening on the Indigo platform. Windows was used solely with direct USB-to-camera cable connection and appropriate drivers (as SVBony webiste indicates). I have seen also a certain "ASCOM" protocol and a NINA software, but don't know exactly what they are.
Edited by federicocunico, 11 September 2024 - 07:30 AM.