I imaged Mars yesterday morning in addition to the effort I made on Jupiter and Saturn. Had the sharpening done but never did the image measurement and derotation to see if anything decent emerged. This is a 13-image derotation from the middle of my data capture effort. I usually think my stuff is average at best but this Mars might very well be my best image of Mars in a very long time possibly ever. These are 60s captures stacked 16% of the 18,000 frames in each capture. Shown at 1.5x capture size.
I had the image still up on the screen so here it is at 300% of capture size.
EDIT: Here is one more (left the rind alone on this one). I fixed the yips my 16" scope was having (left a travel lock too snug and it was causing a stick-slip to occur in the alt. axis) so I was able to pull in the ROI to only 200 x 200 and get the frame rate up to 425 fps. This image is 16% of 23,600 frames capture during those 60s. 5-image derotation.
Edited by dcaponeii, 11 September 2024 - 08:34 AM.