Hey folks.
I'm looking at my observing logs from the last 3 years and I've come to the conclusion that I might be a lot better off observing with a different instrument. The great bulk of my observing sessions last less than 2 hours and I find that I've been using my binos or my wonderful but unwieldy 80mm F/15 refractor as my grab n' go on my Sky-Tee mount.
What hasn't been getting much use is my 12.5" Discovery. On the occasion when the weather is extra nice, I'm very glad that I have it- it puts up incredible views. But I'm starting to wonder if maybe those views wouldn't be more appreciated by someone who will use it more often. So I'm thinking of putting it up in the classifieds, or putting an ad in the newsletter with the club.
To replace it, I'm kind of stumped. I want a quick setup time, 6"- 8" of aperture, and a shorter focal length. It's rare, as in like 2 or 3 times a year when my skies permit magnification passed 150x, so I think I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of something that can produce a rich field.
I've been looking at shorter Schmidt and Mak Newts. Looks like they're not nearly as popular as they once were, and that old Meade SN8's or a David Levy Comet Hunter (also discontinued) may be my only options. I've looked through both of them at star parties in the past and I thought they were pretty nice, plus no coma corrector to fiddle with.
If you have any ideas I'd be happy to hear em. Yeah, I'd use my 8" dob but it's out on a long-term loan to a friend, as is my ED100. Just looking for something a bit shorter to stick on my Sky-Tee in any case, and wouldn't want to spend more than what I can get for my Discovery.