I am trying to add guiding to my setup: EQ3-2, 66ed with 400mm focal (no corrector), zwo178 (2.4ยต pixels).
Guiding will be done with another zwo178 and PHD2.
I have scrounged an optical divider, and I have also a 30*120mm guide scope (svbony)...
Which one will be the best for guiding?
It seems to me that:
Optical divider:
Pro: less extra HW
Pro: same resolution as the main imager
Con: the stars on the edge of the field, where the pickup occurs are just BAD (very elongated, definitely not point like)... which can not be good for guiding...
Guide scope (30*120):
Pro: correct stars for guiding
Pro: more lights on the guiding stars
Con: 3.3 times "larger" pixels in arc seconds... How will that affect pointing precision?
Guide scope option 2: use an old, crappy, 40*300 scope:
Pro: focal lenght and pixel size closer to main imager.
Con: much larger on the scope.
In your experience, what is the best way to guide? and why?
What would you advice?