This was a surprising find, a box of 19 Pyrex mirror blanks and a tile tool (correct term?) originally sent to Celestron International, 2835 Columbia St, Torrance, CA by United Lens Company, Southbridge, MA. That Celestron address would date these to the mid-70s at the earliest.
I initially thought these are blanks for the C6 but the diameter is 5-11/16". Thickness is 1". Cast-in sagitta is approximately 1.78mm/0.07in. I'll let someone better at math figure out what the cast focal length/ratio is.
You can see the hole in the back that I assume is cut out once the figuring is done, so I would think these would be for an SCT, Cassegrain or maybe a MAK?
Any idea of the applications for these?
Tom Duncan
Edited by Tom Duncan, 25 September 2024 - 10:20 AM.