Hello everyone. I needed some advice and although it is partially astronomy related, the other is a little tangential. I have a new-to-me 16-inch Starmaster Dob. It has tracking and go-to, which I have never had before. My favorite astronomy sites do not have power and hence are Bortle 2. I have always been an all-manual guy, but now that I need power, I am wondering what is my best option.
The scope came with these two batteries (the black one says “12 V/8 Ah/20 hours” and the grey one says “12V/ 7 Amp/hr”). I ran the scope for about 7 hours using both batteries last month at a site with power. It seemed that the black battery ran out of juice sometime after midnight because the scope stopped slewing. But the grey one let me observe until around 3 AM, when I packed up. I have no idea how old the batteries are, conceivable a decade plus if they were purchased with the scope.
A few questions:
1. Does slewing the scope take more power than tracking?
2. If I bought a third battery, what would be my best option?
3. If I bought a solar panel, could I charge my existing batteries or would they blow up?!? I am considering a 100 Watt panel (which I could use at my house as well as while doing backwoods astronomy). The manufacturer’s website says the solar panel works on gel cells, AGM cells, water-filled cells and lithium batteries. https://www.amazon.c...nkCode=ogi&th=1
I appreciate your help especially as this is sort of off topic. But people on CN have been very patient with my questions and there are a lot of physics and engineering trained people on this forum to help us medical folks out. Thanks in advance.