More of the same, hot and humid days with either cloudy skies or clear skies with good transparency but awful seeing.
October 2nd, 2024 at 13:38 UT, Jacksonville, FL USA
Astro-Tech AT60ED on Meade LX70
Baader Astro Solar ND 3.8 + Baader Solar Continuum 7.5nm
1.41x Barlow lens (sampling at 0.975"/pixel)
Player One Neptune-M USB3.0 Mono Camera (IMX178)
One capture of 2,598 frames using SharpCap 4.1.12196.0
The 80 best frames from the video were stacked with AutoStakkert! 4.0.11
The resulting file was modified with RegiStax and then cropped with GIMP 2.10.30 (an unsharp mask was applied as well).
Due to the size limitations here, I am posting a cropped and compressed version of it (1200x1200, 500kb).
A higher resolution copy (1800x1800) of the same image, is available here.
The maximum resolution original version (4100x4100) is available here.