Hi CN Family,
I hope that you are well.
First of all I want to thank those of you that have commented and provided suggestions for improving this skill. The suggestions are working, so Thank You!
Here's my latest image of Saturn taken on 2-Oct-24 at 8:37 EDST. Saturn was at an altitude of 29 deg. No ADC was used.
Optics: Celestron NexStar 6SE w/ Edmund basic variable Barlow set at approx. 1.5x. System was at approx f/15., alt.az.
Camera: QHY5III485C
Capture: FireCapture, 20,000 frames, 15,000 stacked, 10ms exp. gain set at 50%
Processing: AutoStakkert!, Registax, Picasa
Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
My Best,