I am posting here (With permission of Cloudy Nights and Vito from Pier-Tech) a series of video tutorials on assembling a Telestation observatory. I am still in the build process and will add more videos as I go along.
Mine is a Telestation 5, but these tutorials will apply to any number of Vito's Telestations. The link provided will lead to the playlist on my YouTube channel. If anyone has questions, please feel free to ask. I will answer anything I can. I also hope Vito and other Telestation owners will chime in with thier experiences as well.
There are three main reasons I decided to do this:
1: The Pier-Tech Telestations are a high end observatory and I think this can be intimidating for some people. Possibly assuming that they are very complicated to assemble and maintain. (they are not). With these tutorials I present very easy to follow instructions on tools, techniques and tips to make it easy for anyone to do it.
2: The paper instructions that come with the Telestations are very broad, and a set of video instructions (I feel) is an essential companion to those instructions to provide detail and fill in the blanks between the braod strokes provided by the paper manual.
3: Technical people tend to assume those who are not as technically minded can easily figure out the missing pieces of instructions, that they take for granted. This is not often the case and detailed, but not overcomplicated video instructions can provide the needed knowledge for those to take the leap!
I hope these tutorials will be helpful to those considering a Telestation and bridge the gap between desire and fear from lack of knowledge, to bring more 'Sky Lovers' into the wonderful world of Pier-Tech Telestation ownership!