I got a new neighbor last year who claims their garage was built with two large wall lights that are designed to not turn off dusk to dawn, no light switch. They go on every night, so must be photocell triggered, and blast the sides of his property with light all night with no upper, or side light shielding. I have no idea what brand.
Has anyone come up with, or a found a magnetic or non invasive light shield for a standard cheap garage/warehouse style wall light? I am thinking I may have more luck offering something like this, than going onto the ladder with power tools, which I am not the most handy with to begin with. Especially if there is no known "switch" I'm looking for least invasive easiest option.
A complication might be if the photocell is on top and we never know what brand they are, so maybe coating the light is easier? Just want to take advantage of the opportunity with the best possible solution if I get permission to go install a shield for them, so it's not a multi day thing.